Sunday, August 11, 2019

My aspirations and goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My aspirations and goals - Essay Example This will further help me reach my aspirations and goals. The experiences I have obtained in being part of a modified and varsity team member have given me the opportunity to be part of a team, learn what it is to be a team member, and excel in my leadership skills. Learning that you are not a one â€Å"shot† person has improved my style of playing as a team member and succeeding in games where at times we knew that we were going to face a challenge playing against another team. I am an appreciative person and I want to give my parents and the community a present. The present will be to wholeheartedly put my efforts as a high school and college student and be in a position where they will be proud of me. For my parents, it will be completing what I have formed my aspirations to be. For the community, it will be becoming an expert in my field and delivering sportsmanship requirements. I want to take the opportunity of traveling and be able to share customs, cultures, history, and traditions given the sports arena. I want to learn what other students are doing in their countries assuming leadership roles in sports. I want to be able to assume leadership roles in other countries and share my experiences in hockey. By sharing these experiences, we will be in a better position to find out what our similarities and differences may be, find out ways in which we are better able to help each other according to our needs, and work with national and international varsity teams. I want to work as a volunteer and continue to assume leadership roles, where I may be able to help other youngsters become involved in hockey activities and as a player. Sports is generally not an area where funding takes place. I am therefore, interested in a scholarship that will help me in my formative years to be able to reach my goals in a higher education institution as a student in __________

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